Dear Boss Cabins Employee,
Over the last few weeks, Boss Cabins Management has been working as hard as possible to combat any negative impact on the business from the UK’s fast-changing Coronavirus situation.
As explained in our previous letter, we currently have a full order book and production plan for the next six months minimum. There was concern that some orders may be postponed due to the current circumstances so over last week the sales team have contacted every customer currently in the build plan to reconfirm and lock in their order prior to going into build. Only one customer has asked us to postpone a proportion of their order with all others confirming for us to proceed. Even with this one postponement, we still have a full order book to the end of June.
From July onwards, we plan to go into large scale production of our own Deep Green range of cabins in preparation for the large infrastructure spend on projects such as HS2. Funding to cover the strategy for Deep Green has already been secured, so it is now simply a case of completing the engineering work and building the first prototype unit so that materials can then be ordered.
With regards the supply of materials, we have given our suppliers a complete schedule of our material requirements up to the end of June which covers our existing build plan. We will then provide our suppliers with our third quarter material schedule once the development work for the Deep Green range has been confirmed.
In summary, as a business we are financially very healthy. We have a triple AAA credit rating and we have money in the bank. We have a full book of confirmed orders with funding already in place and secured, which covers our build plan for the next six months. This not only means we are perfectly positioned to withstand the economic pressures of Coronavirus, but could mean that we come out of this crisis in a stronger position than we entered it.
In simple terms, the key to our success is for us to continue to build for as long as we can and if we have to shut due to changes in government directives, that we resume building as soon as possible.
To help us with this, we need your full cooperation. We must be aware at all times of the health status of our workforce. We require you to inform us immediately if you show any Covid-19 symptoms and need to self-isolate. Also, we must be informed if you fall under the Government’s plan for self-isolation of vulnerable people that advises a 12-week self-isolation period.
If you have to self-isolate, we will then need updates on when you may be available for work again so we can plan and adjust production schedules accordingly.
To make this easier, we have created a step by step procedure to follow if you suspect you have COVID-19 or if you have to go into precautionary self-isolation. This explains when you should contact us and what information we need from you, this document is attached.
View the step-by-step procedure here
We are confident of the company’s ability to get through this. It is a temporary situation. At present, we don’t know how long it will last, but we do know it will pass. And with your help and continued support, we will be stronger than ever.
Yours sincerely
Matthew Wordsworth
Managing Director
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Boss Cabins
BCS House
Pinfold Road,
Bourne PE10 9HT
United Kingdom
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